Sixth Form Personal Development
The Sixth Form is an academically rigorous, challenging environment to study in.
Whilst we appreciate that good grades will have the greatest effect on your future success, every opportunity will be given to students to become rounded people.

Work Experience or Volunteering
All students undertake at least one week of work experience or volunteering, and many students participate in both. We feel this outreach into the wider world is crucial both in developing skills and confidence, as well as placing their academic studies in context. Work experience placements have been undertaken in a diverse range of industries with students going to Deloitte, the Bank of England, Twitter, EE, Browns Art Fair, Arup, Mott McDonald, Middlesex Hospital, local charities, schools, and nurseries. Volunteering has taken place with homeless shelters, Catholic charities, sporting events and a nursing home.
Students who have an exemplary attitude and contribute positively to the life of the school are invited to apply to become a Prefect. This is a prestigious role and students undertake a variety of duties around the school, including the giving of tours to external visitors, participating in open days, aiding the smooth running of the canteen, and greeting guests.
Peer Mentoring
All Sixth Form students are expected to lead by example. Peer Mentors volunteer themselves to give personalised help and support to younger students. Training is provided to ensure students build their listening skills and empathy, as well as being able to offer constructive guidance. Peer mentors may be faced with a range of pastoral or academic issues, and the success of the programme is testament to the dedication of these students.
All students are encouraged to take part in physical activity. Studies have recently shown that regular exercise can beat stress, and boost happiness. The school puts on provision for football, basketball, tennis, and athletics as well as making the gym available during allotted sessions.
Over the last 20 years, much research into the psychology of success has been conducted. It has found that your attitude, self-beliefs about your abilities and self-awareness of your own goals are essential to being a successful student. Through our VESPA programme of tutorials, workshops and assemblies, we aim to support every student in developing the mindset needed to succeed in Sixth Form.
Vision: Knowing what you want to achieve.
Effort: Putting in the right number of hours of proactive independent study.
Systems: Being organised with your learning resources and time.
Practice: Deliberate practice of skills needed for assessment.
Attitude: Responding constructively to setbacks.
Further to these opportunities, sixth form students have taken part in:
- Hearing from prestigious guest speakers, including the American Ambassador, a Cabinet Minister, and David Dein (former chairman of Arsenal Football Club and the Football Association)
- Networking event with the Civil Service
- Leading Assemblies
- Duke of Edinburgh Silver and Gold Award
- Dramatic Productions (last year’s Lion King was a huge success)
- Youth Club
- Self-Defence classes
- Mindfulness workshops
- Know Your Rights workshops
- PSHE day
- Sixth Form Dinner and Dance
St Thomas More is proud to offer a wide range of activities to all students, to ensure that a wide range of hard and soft skills are learned during their time here.