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St Thomas More Catholic School

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All pupils must wear the correct school uniform to, from and at school.   Items listed are compulsory unless otherwise specified.

The following items must be purchased from the school:

Bags (rucksack or shoulder ("airline")) = £18.00; school tie 16"/19" = £5.00, School badge - £4.50; PE Bag (optional) = £5.00; Hats (optional) = £2.00.

To ensure costs are reasonable, all other items of uniform below can be purchased from any retailer, although for your convenience, we list two local school outfitters: Divine Schoolwear (www.divineschoolwear.com) or Kenzie Uniform Shop (www.kenzieuniforms.co.uk). Second-hand items may be available for purchase from the school.  Please enquire by emailing: admin@stthomasmoreschool.org.uk or speak to your child's Head of Year.  Assistance may be available for the purchase of uniform items - please speak to your child's Head of Year.


  • Black school trousers (not brushed cotton, combats or jeans).                           
  • Navy blazer with school badge. The school badge can be purchased separately and added to a plain navy blazer.  Pale blue shirt.                                                                 
  • Navy V-necked pullover (optional).
  • School tie, worn correctly (i.e. top button fastened, clip worn correctly).       
  • Plain blue or black scarf only (optional).
  • Coat - plain navy or black , with no patterns or motifs  (no logos, denim or leather) (Optional, although recommended in winter).
  • Conventional black  shoes with black soles, black laces (if lace-ups) and all black stitching (no trainers, black canvas shoes or boots), to be worn throughout the day and to and from school.
    (Trainers may be worn at break time and lunchtime).
  • Black  or grey socks.

PE Kit

  1. Royal blue PE shorts
  2. Royal blue polo T-shirt (plain) or royal blue polo T-shirt with school badge 
  3. Royal blue socks
  4. Royal blue sweatshirt with school badge (optional) - winter months only
  5. Royal blue tracksuit bottoms (optional) - winter months only
  6. Trainers with laces.

A watch may be worn and a chain or crucifix inside the shirt. No other jewellery (rings, earrings, piercings) is permitted. No earrings or studs are to be worn to, from or at school.

We encourage hairstyles to be neat and tidy with no exaggerated hair styles. Streaked, dyed, gelled, patterned, lined, stepped, spiked or coloured hair is not allowed.  We do our best to be consistent and there is a designated member of the Senior Management Team who ensures conformity.

No shaved or patterned eye brows.  No visible tattoos.

Beards, moustaches and wispy growth are not permitted for reasons of uniformity and because we want our pupils to be smart and well presented.

Caps, hats and hooded sweatshirt tops are banned; however a plain black woolly hat is permitted (optional) during the cold winter months.


  • Navy blue pleated or flared school skirt of a sensible length or black school trousers. (No jeans, lycra, skinny trousers, leggings, jeggings, combats or flares are permitted).
  • Navy blazer (not black) with school badge. The school badge can be purchased separately and added to a plain navy blazer.   
  • Pale blue open necked blouse (revere collar), OR formal shirt with school tie worn correctly (i.e. top button fastened)
  • Navy blue V-necked pullover or cardigan (optional).
  • Coat - plain navy or black, with no patterns or motif (no logos, denim or leather) (Optional although recommended in winter months).
  • Plain navy or black scarf only (optional).
  • Black or white knee-length socks OR black or navy tights - not patterned and no leg warmers.          
  • Conventional black shoes with black soles, black laces (if lace ups) and all black stitching (NOT trainers, canvas shoes or boots), to be worn throughout the day and to and from school. (Trainers may be worn at break and lunch-time).                     
  • Hair ribbons must be navy or black.
  • A watch may be worn and a chain or crucifix inside the blouse/shirt.

PE Kit

  1. Royal blue PE shorts
  2. White polo T-shirt (plain) or white polo T-shirt with school logo
  3. Royal blue socks
  4. Royal blue sweatshirt with school logo (optional) - winter months only
  5. Royal blue tracksuit bottoms (optional) – winter months only
  6. Trainers with laces

Make-up, nail varnish, false nails are not allowed.   We encourage hairstyles to be neat and tidy with no exaggerated hair styles.  Streaked, dyed, gelled, patterned, lined, stepped, spiked or coloured hair is not allowed.  We do our best to be consistent and there is a designated member of the Senior Management Team who ensures conformity.
Earrings (only one pair) if worn should be gold or silver studs.  Nose studs or other visible piercings are not permitted. No other jewellery is permitted.

No shaved or patterned eye brows.

No visible tattoos.

Caps, hats and hooded sweatshirt tops are banned; however a plain black woolly hat (optional) is permitted during the cold winter months.



  • All students must have a school bag capable of being closed with a zip or buckle (available from the school - £18).
  • All students must have a pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, geometry set and a small scientific calculator and dictionary.
  • All pupils should bring a reading book every day.

Mobile telephones and wearables (miniature electronic devices) are not permitted and will be confiscated.  Confiscated telephones will be returned after one week (and may be kept for longer if deemed appropriate).  Parents will be asked to collect confiscated telephones in person.